19 Commonly Believed Myths That Are Completely Fal… | 質問の答えを募集中です! 19 Commonly Believed Myths That Are Completely Fal… | 質問の答えを募集中です!

19 Commonly Believed Myths That Are Completely Fal…

19 Commonly Believed Myths That Are Completely False #ai #thingsyoudon#commonlybeliev #completelyfal
Ancient Peoples Sculpted In Pure Stone

“Ancient Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture is only now pure white marble because art dealers long, long ago washed the paint off.”

“Same for churches and cathedrals all over Europe. They were painted bright colors. It washed off over time, and the stone reappeared.”

“I studied art history, and it wasn’t even mentioned. They used super garish colors too!”

“The idea that coldness gives you a cold is maddening. Science is clear; we get colds in winter because we spend more time indoors, and the dry air makes it easier for viruses to travel between people. Yet many people still cling to these medieval beliefs.”

“Equally as stupid as saying you’ll catch a cold if you go outside with wet hair or that antibiotics will cure the cold virus.”

