‘That is Crazy’ – Sam Altman&#82… | 質問の答えを募集中です! ‘That is Crazy’ – Sam Altman&#82… | 質問の答えを募集中です!

‘That is Crazy’ – Sam AltmanR…

'That is Crazy' – Sam Altman's World Tour
Missed by much of the media, Sam Altman (and co) have revealed at least 16 surprising things over his World Tour. From AI’s designing AIs to ‘unstoppable opensource’, the ‘customisation’ leak (with a new 16k ChatGPT and ‘steerable GPT 4), AI and religion, and possible regrets over having ‘pushed the button’.

I’ll bring in all of this and eleven other insights, together with a new and highly relevant paper just released this week on ‘dual-use’. Whether you are interested in ‘solving climate change by telling AIs to do it’, ‘staring extinction in the face’ or just a deepfake Altman, this video touches on it all, ending with comments from Brockman in Seoul.

I watched over ten hours of interviews to bring you this footage from Jordan, India, Abu Dhabi, UK, South Korea, Germany, Poland, Israel and more

Altman Abu Dhabi, HUB71, ‘change it’s architecture’: https://youtu.be/RZd870NCukg
Israel, TAUVOD, ‘AIs Creating AIs’: https://www.youtube.com/live/VWUhASix9ws?feature=share
Poland, Ideas NCBR, ‘opensource + 10 years away’: https://www.youtube.com/live/tSCrQQbPPHk?feature=share
Dual-use Biotech: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2306/2306.03809.pdf
Jordan Xpand, ‘pushed a button’: https://www.youtube.com/live/dgh-L2nk97M?feature=share
India Economic Times, ‘railgun’: https://youtu.be/T-lj7ItGjZE
Guardian Altman Interview: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jun/07/what-should-the-limits-be-the-father-of-chatgpt-on-whether-ai-will-save-humanity-or-destroy-it
Germany Conversation: https://youtu.be/uaQZIK9gvNo
Leaked Layout: https://the-decoder.com/new-chatgpt-features-are-on-the-way-workspace-file-uploads-profiles/
OpenAI in Seoul, SoftBank Ventures Asia: https://youtu.be/_hpuPi7YZX8
India, Digital India, ‘hallucinations in 18 months’: https://www.youtube.com/live/Pig9WbMN1lQ?feature=share


