How Artificial Intelligence Will Help Teachers. K… | 質問の答えを募集中です! How Artificial Intelligence Will Help Teachers. K… | 質問の答えを募集中です!

How Artificial Intelligence Will Help Teachers. K…

How Artificial Intelligence Will Help Teachers. Kai-Fu Lee, expert in AI
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In this video, Kai-Fu Lee examines how emerging technologies can enhance educational work and teachers’ responsibilities. He is critical of the lack of technological integration in classrooms and asserts that “education needs to be rebooted.” The expert assures us that by integrating artificial intelligence into classrooms, “probably 40 to 50% of the teacher’s time is freed.” The Taiwanese scientist advocates for investing time in interpersonal relationships, asserting that it is “the future of education.” In order for children to be prepared for a job market where technology will have a significant impact, he proposes a novel educational approach: “We need to focus on the three C’s: curiosity, critical thinking and creativity.”

Kai-Fu Lee is one of the world’s top AI experts. The Taiwanese executive is president of Sinovation Ventures and has been involved with teams at Apple, SGI, Microsoft and Google. In his latest book AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, he explores how major theoretical advancements in artificial intelligence have resulted in practical applications that are on the verge of transforming our lives.


