When Ganyu tries to look like the adorable Kirara.… | 質問の答えを募集中です! When Ganyu tries to look like the adorable Kirara.… | 質問の答えを募集中です!

When Ganyu tries to look like the adorable Kirara.…

ES 原神
When Ganyu tries to look like the adorable Kirara. #ganyu #原神 #genshinimpact
Ganyu ask Kirara how to act like a cat :3

Hope You enjoy and Have a great day^^
Happy watching :3


credit :
#原神 #原神枫丹 #克洛分享琳德 #二次元 #お気に入りララ #ララ
Model : HoYovers
lala and mashiro
by 劉小良 / Liu Xiaoliang
Kokuharu X “YUYU”
source vid : author_tea on tiktok

“Repost pls credit to the Original Creator”

📌(I don’t own anything in this video)
This video just for entertainment only.
copyright issue or request take down, contact me via email: elcrismika@gmail.com

