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WEEKLY AI NEWS: AI & Extended Reality [The AI …

WEEKLY AI NEWS: AI & Extended Reality [The AI Timeline #4]
Welcome to my 4th episode of the weekly AI news series “The AI Timeline”, where I go through the AI news in the past week with the most distilled information and memes!

QR Code ControlNET (mb I don’t think it’s a model, it’s just ref image)
[Reddit] https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/141hg9x/controlnet_for_qr_code/

Safe.ai Statement
[Official Website] https://www.safe.ai/statement-on-ai-risk

Andrew Ng Statement
[TW] https://twitter.com/AndrewYNg/status/1665759430552567810?s=20

[Paper] https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01567
[Code] https://github.com/SysCV/SAM-HQ

[Project Page] https://segment-anything.com/

Potat1 (Open Source Text 2 Video Model)
[HuggingFace] https://huggingface.co/camenduru/potat1

“Intelligent brains take longer to solve difficult problems”
[Blog] https://www.bihealth.org/en/notices/intelligent-brains-take-longer-to-solve-difficult-problems
[Paper] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38626-y

[Project Page] https://styledrop.github.io/

AI Chatbot Paper on these attention-seeking LLMs
[Paper] https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.06135

Japan Government on AI (or AI Art) Training
[TW] https://twitter.com/noe_emk/status/1664613177106239488?s=20
[Article] https://technomancers.ai/japan-goes-all-in-copyright-doesnt-apply-to-ai-training/#more-642
[JP Article] https://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1506018.html

Israel Government on AI (or AI Art) Training
[Article] https://www.project-disco.org/intellectual-property/011823-israel-ministry-of-justice-issues-opinion-supporting-the-use-of-copyrighted-works-for-machine-learning/

Time Magazine New Cover
[TW] https://twitter.com/TIME/status/1663939590908985348?s=20

OpenAI’s 1mil Grant For Cybersecurity
[Blog] https://openai.com/blog/openai-cybersecurity-grant-program

Snap Fusion
[HuggingFace] https://huggingface.co/papers/2306.00980
[Paper] https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00980
[Project Page] https://snap-research.github.io/SnapFusion/

Bytes Are All You Need
[Paper] https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00238
[Huggface] https://huggingface.co/papers/2306.00238

OpenAI’s Improved Mathematical Reasoning
[Blog] https://openai.com/research/improving-mathematical-reasoning-with-process-supervision

[GitHub] https://github.com/Fictiverse/Redream

GPTFille (GPT File Organization)
[GitHub] https://github.com/aaronn/gptfile
[TW] https://twitter.com/localghost/status/1663274587860393984?s=20

Runway Gen2
[TW] https://twitter.com/runwayml/status/1666429706932043776?s=20

This video is supported by the kind Patrons & YouTube Members:
🙏Andrew Lescelius, Chris LeDoux, Alex Maurice, Tony Jimenez, Panther Modern, Jake Disco, Demilson Quintao, Shuhong Chen, Hongbo Men, happi nyuu nyaa, Carol Lo, Mose Sakashita, Miguel, Bandera, Gennaro Schiano, gunwoo, Ravid Freedman, Mert Seftali, Mrityunjay, Richárd Nagyfi, Timo Steiner, Henrik G Sundt, projectAnthony, Brigham Hall, Kyle Hudson, Kalila, Jef Come, Jvari Williams, Tien Tien

[Discord] https://discord.gg/NhJZGtH
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/bycloudai
[Patreon] https://www.patreon.com/bycloud

[Profile & Banner Art] https://twitter.com/pygm7

0:00 Apple’s VisionPro
1:07 AI Spongebob
2:04 Interesting PS Generative Fill
2:09 QR Code ControlNET
2:19 White House vs Safe.ai
2:39 Safe.ai vs Andrew Ng
3:09 SAM-HQ
3:45 T2V Potat1
3:57 smart?
4:05 Air Force Fake AI News
4:14 StyleDrop
4:32 Chatbots = Human’s Downfall?
5:18 Japan AI Copyright Law (& Israel)
5:42 RIP OpenAI CTO Twitter
5:51 Hey ChatGPT, finish this building…
5:57 Time Magazine New AI Cover
6:02 OpenAI Cybersecurity Grant
6:08 Snap Fusion
6:15 Bytes Are All You Need
6:57 OpenAI Got Better At Maths
7:05 Redream
7:18 GPTFile
7:22 Runway Gen2
7:28 Outro

