夏休みの宿題で英語で絵日記を書くことになりました。この文章を英語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 英 | 質問の答えを募集中です! 夏休みの宿題で英語で絵日記を書くことになりました。この文章を英語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 英 | 質問の答えを募集中です!

夏休みの宿題で英語で絵日記を書くことになりました。この文章を英語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 英






  1. 匿名 より:


    I woke up at 3 pm, and then I had breakfast. After that, I went to about 6 book stores with my friends and bought a lot of books and comics. I spent almost all of my money in buying them, but I’m happy to buy many good books and comics. I fell asleep at 10 pm.
    *もしネイティブが添削するのなら”had breakfast”よりは”had meal”の方が良いと思います。
    *5,6件と言うのを正確に伝えられる自信がなかったので”about 6 book stores”にしましたが、日本語の語感に拘らずにaboutをとるほうが安全だと思います。
    *一行削ってしまったので、行数指定があるのならI fell asleepの前に I read one of them. It was so exciting.てな感じで適当に付け足してください。

    I woke up at 11 am. I wished to play with my friends, but all my friends living in my hometown couldn’t play with me. So I tuned my guitar which I hadn’t played recently and left in my home, and then I played it, but my playing has gotten worse. After that, I cooked dinner and did my homework.
    *”which I hadn’t played recently and left in my home”がだいぶ怪しいので「実家に放置」を考えないで”which I hadn’t played for a long time.”くらいがいいかもしれません。もし大過去を学校でやっていなかったら”which I didn’t play~”でも減点なんかはされないと思います。多分。
    *もし行数指定があるのなら、my friends living in hometown couldnt play with meのあとに because they have to do homework などと適当に理由をくっ付けると良いかと思います。


  2. 匿名 より:


  3. 匿名 より:

    Please input sentences that translate into here. It occurred at 3 PM. After that, it ate breakfast, and it came round the bookstore as the friend. It turned by 5 and six stores, and a lot of books and cartoons were bought. A lot of good books were able to be bought and it was good though money was almost lost. And, it went to bed in ten o’clock of the night.

    When all friends in local were not able to play, and the guitar that had been left in the parents’ family was played tuning it, it considerably became less capable though it was thought that it occurred at 11 o’clock and it went to play. After that, it did homework making dinner.

